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Relation of Vitamin C and Anti-aging

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최종 저작일
9페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Relation of Vitamin C and Anti-aging


Significance of Study
Purpose of Study


Significance of Study
The aging is the a phenomenon that the a
living body system is atrophied. A factor of
aging is smoke, drink, lack of exercise, obesity,
stress and so on.
Don`t we can control the aging slowly?
The power of human can`t restrain aging, but
can control slowly. The factor of controling
aging slowly is SOD, glutathione, catalase,
vitamin C, vitamin E and so on.
Significance of Study
Anti-aging by active oxygen and balance of antioxident ability
Attack factor
Composition element of a cell
(Lipid, Protein, DNA, RNA)

Prepare 8 mice.
- Temperature: 20~26℃/ Humidity:
40~60%(minimum 30%, maximum 70%)
- Breed in Barrier system and prevent from
disease that come from outside.
On the suppose that vitamin C 30mg is the maximum the
use of mouse,
1 time on day, do not administer vitamin C to Group A,
administer 10mg of vitamin C to Group B,
administer 20mg of vitamin C to Group C,
and administer 30mg of vitamin C to Group D.
-How to administer : Intraperitoneal injection

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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