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Al-Cu의 합금 분석 레포트 입니다.

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


성균관대 신소재 공정실습 과목의 결과 레포트로 공정 방법에 따라 합금 조성에 따라 강도 및 전기 전도도 특성이 변화되는것을 광학 현미경과 XRD분석한 실험입니다.


1. Purpose of experiment
2. Procedure
3. Experiment Theory
3. 1. PM & Casting
3. 2. Hardness
3. 3. Electrical conductivity
3. 4. Optical microscope
3. 5. XRD
4. Experiment Result
4. 1. Team conclusion
5. Conclusion


1. Purpose of experiment
As changing material composition(Pure Al and Al-Cu), understanding how these materials` properties are changed in variety variables. And controlling & understanding many scientific equipment. Also How manufacturing effects to material`s properties.
2. Procedure
① Manufacture of sample
We make samples. (Variable are pressure and sintering temperature)
Pressure: 300Mpa & Temperature : 400, 500, 600(℃)
Temperature: 500℃ & Pressure 100, 300, 500(Mpa)
② Measurement of hardness
After polishing. We measure the hardness of sample by vickers hardness tester. Before we measure it, we should create a smooth and shiny surface by polishing the sample.
③ Measurement of electrical conductivity
We calculate the resistivity and find the electrical conductivity.
④ Microstructure observation
We observe the microstructure of sample

5. Conclusion
- Hardness -
Almost casting tende to have high hardness than P/M. P/M is almost uniform whole and it is visible the tendency where the density value is high. This is caused by casting is packed more than P/M by liquid state. Density increasing means facial energy decreasing effect increase, so bonding energy increase. In this experiment we can see casting`s hardness higher than P/M`s hardness.
- Electrical conductivity -
We can analysis between 77K and 300K. Increase temperatur, then lattice vibration increase and increase. In 77K, , so in low temperature electrical conductivity is high. Casting is easy to have defect, electrical conductivity is low. But in this experiment that can not be confirm.
- Optical microscope -
P/M has no difference between center and edge. P/M is uniform. Casting has different phase between center and edge.
- XRD -
We can see only Al picks in pure Al specimen. Mixing Cu, we can see second phase .
- Total -
We can understand metal property changing follow variables. And many kinds of measurement of material properties. Also material properties are changed by manufacturing. We feel the importance of manufacturing.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Al-Cu의 합금 분석 레포트 입니다.
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