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[Review] Systems Biology

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Systems Biology에 대해 다양한 참고문헌 조사를 통해
ppt로 요약 정리한 자료입니다.


What is Systems Biology?
The Emergence of Systems Biology
Integration of different kinds of information
Multidisciplinary Studies


Systems biology is an emergent field that aims at system-level
understanding of biological systems.
Systems Biology is the analysis of the relationships among the
elements in a system in rosponse to genetic or enviornmental
Systems Biology is the creation of hypothesis- or data-driven
computer simulations that explain and perdict how the basic
components of the cell interact to give rise to the physiology
of the cell and eventually the physiology of organs and tissues.
Unlike molecular biology which focus on molecules, such as
sequence of nucleotide acids and proteins, systems biology
focus on systems that are composed of molecular components.
It’s a hybrid experimental-computational approach.

The Emergence of Systems Biology
Systems biology recently emerged as the result of five key advances.

참고 자료

H. Kitano, Systems Biology: a brief overview, Science, 2002, 295, 1662-1664
H. Kitano, Computational Systems Biology, Nature, 2002, 420, 206-210
Andrea D. Weston and Leroy Hood, Systems Biology, Proteomics, and the
Fure of health Care: Toward Predictive, Preventative, and Personalized
Medicine, J. Proteome Research, 2004, 3, 179-196
H. Kitano, Foundations of Systems Biology (2001, MIT Press)
[Cover story] Systems Biology, Chemical & engineering news, May 19, 2003
Michael Liebman, Systems BIology : Top-Down or Bottom-Up?, Bio-IT
World Archive, Mar 17, 2004
Kitano Symbiotic Systems Project
The Institute for Systems Biology
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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