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재료금속열역학 솔루션 -Introduction to the Thermodynamics

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123페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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‡ History
Thermodynamics began with the study of heat and work effects and relations between heat and work. Some early
thermodynamics problems were for very practical problems. For example, in a steam engine heat is supplied to
water to create steam. The steam is then used to turn an engine which does work. Finally, the water is exhasted to
the environment or in a cyclic engine it can be condensed and recyled to the heating chamber or boiler

An early goal for thermodynamics was to analyze the steam engine and to figure out the maximum amount of
work that could be done for an engine operating between the input temperature T1and the output temperature T2 .
Some of the most important work on thermodynamics of heat engines was done by Nicholas Carnot around 1810.
He was a French engineer and wrote one paper, Reflections on the Motive Power of Heat, that introduced the
“Carnot” cycle and helped explain the maximum efficiency of heat engines. It is interesting to note that the first
steam engines were invented in 1769.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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