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어학연수 프리젠테이션 발표자료 APA Formatting and Style Guide.ppt

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어학연수 프리젠테이션 발표자료 APA Formatting and Style Guide.ppt


What is APA?
What does APA regulate?
APA stylistics: Basics
APA stylistics: Language
Types of APA Papers
General Format
General Format (cont’d)
Title Page
Abstract Page
Main Body (Text)
References Page
References: Basics
References: Basics (cont’d)
Making the references list
In-text Citations: Basics
APA Figures
If you need help with APA


*APA stylistics: Basics
Point of view and voice in an APA paper
the third person point of view rather than
using the first person point of view or the passive

e.g., The study showed that…, NOT
I found out that….

the active voice rather than passive voice;

e.g., The participants responded…, NOT
The participants have been asked….

:APA format is not limited by the rules of citing the sources- in-text citations and entries in the list of References. It also regulates the stylistics of conveying research.

This slide introduces the basics of APA stylistics related to the point of view and voice in an APA paper, which encourages a writer to take the third person point of view and use the active voice. The explanations are provided with examples.

This slide can be supplemented by the relevant section from OWL http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/15/

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