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RollerBlade marketing analysis

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
39페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


RollerBlade 마케팅 분석


1. Introduction
2. Marketing Strategy
3. Questions
4. Conclusion


Rollerblade is a leader in ensuring safety of skater
Potential danger of skating access to biking, walking trails, etc : restriction needed
Over 150 patents provide some protection from competition
Affordable Sports which can be easily enjoyed in many different places
Consumers may be price conscious in poor economy
Inline Skating- fun, healthy activity that
goes along consumer interest in health
Introduction Marketing Strategy Questions Conclusion
Company Intro.
The name is a registered trademark owned by Nordica,
part of the Tecnica Group of Treviqnano, Treviso, Italy.
Scott Olsen and Brennan Olson sold their
Minneapolis company and it became Rollerblade
The World Leader in the in-line skate market
Introduction Marketing Strategy Questions Conclusion
Leading the Way
Rollerblade has led the following industry firsts:
Ventilated shells/breathable liners
Buckle closure system
"Cored" wheel design
Graduated brake design
Aggressive skate/stunt skate
Award-winning braking system - Advanced Braking System
Women’s Specific Skate
Tool less, push-button adjustable children’s skate
Liner with temperature regulation material (keeps feet cooler and dryer)
n Marketing Strategy Questions Conclusion
History of Rollerblade
1981: Scott Olson buys single-line skate patent and begins making Rollerblade skates. 1982: Olson incorporates Ole`s Innovative Sports
1984: Money problems force Olson to team up with Robert Sturgis, who becomes CEO.
1985: Olson is forced to sell out to Sturgis and local Minneapolis entrepreneur Robert Naegele.
1987: Sturgis sells his share of Rollerblade to Naegele. 1988: Rollerblade dominates the market with sales nearing $10 million.
1991: Naegele sells 50 percent stake to Nordica.
1994: Brake Technology (ABT).
1995: Naegele sells the remainder of stake in Rollerblade to Nordica.
Introduction Marketing Strategy Questions Conclusion
Financial Statement
Revenue 2.50 million 2008
Doubled since 1998

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