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무선랜보안(wlan security overview)

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무선랜_보안_(wlan_security_overview) 영어 레포트 입니다.


Introduction and IEEE 802.11 Security Goals
IEEE 802.11 (WLANs) Security Services - Present
IEEE 802.11 (WLANs) Security Problems
IEEE (TGi) Proposed Robust Security Network (RSN)
Other Possible Solutions
Research Areas


Upcoming Standards:

802.11e - MAC enhancement – QOS 802.11f – Inter Access Point protocol 802.11g – Extension to 802.11b 802.11i - Enhanced Security Mechanism
802.11? – Dual Operation?

The Security Goals include:
(1) Data confidentiality
(2) Data integrity, and
(3) Access control
These goals necessitate:
(1) Encryption, and
(2) Authentication
IEEE 802.11 provides three services:
(1) SSID
(2) MAC Address Filtering, and
(3) WEP: WEP Encapsulation and WEP Authentication

참고 자료

N. Borisov, I. Goldberg and D. Wagner, “Intercepting Mobile Communications: The Insecurity of 802.11” ACM, pp. 180-188, 2001.
IEEE 802.11 Standard (1999 Edition), http://www.comsoc.org/standards.html
Joan Daemen, Vincent Rijmen, “Advanced Encryption Standard Proposal,” The Rijndael Block Cipher, Document version 2, pp 1-45, March 9, 1999.
Phillip Rogaway, “OCB Mode: Parallelizable Authenticated Encryption,” Comments to NIST concerning AES Modes of Operation, Preliminary Draft: October 16, 2000.
W. Stallings, “IEEE 802.11: Moving Closer to Practical Wireless LANs,” IT Pro, pp. 17-23, May | June, 2001.
J.Williams, “The IEEE 802.11b Security Problem, Part 1,” IT Pro, pp. 91-96, Novemberㅁ | December, 2001.
Internet Security Systems, “Wireless LAN Security: 802.11b and Corporate Networks,” An ISS White Paper, pp. 1-9, Atlanta, GA.
“Wireless LAN Configurations,” Nouveau Solutions Limited: Complete Computing Solutions, 3/20/2002, http://www.cease-wire.co.uk/wirelessconfiguration.htm
G. Held, “The ABCs of IEEE 802.11,” IT Pro, pp. 49-52, November| December,2001
“Security White Paper: Evolution, Requirements, Options,” 80211Planet, 3/14/2002, http://www.80211-planet.com/tutorials/article
“Internet Security Glossary,” http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2284.txt?number=2284
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