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biofuel 바이오연료 bioenergy 바이오에너지 green fuel 영어레포트 그린연료 그린에너지 청정연료 청정에너지

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13페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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총 13장입니다 ^^
영어레포트 과제 때문에 바이오연료와 바이오에너지 그린연료 청정연료에 대해
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자료 받고 좋은 점수 받으시길 바랍니다~ ^^


1. Biofuel
2. The Pros and Cons of Biofuels
2.1. Biofuels are easily utilize but not readily accessible
2.2. Biofuels are renewable but crops are still not enough
2.3. Biofuels uses more energy than they can produce
2.4. Conclusion
3. Ethanol and Biodiesel
3.1. Process
3.2. Environmental Benefit
3.3. Compatibility
3.4. Costs
3.5. Gallons per acre
3.6. Energy
3.7. Greenhouse-gas Emissions (GHG)
4. Uncovering a Biofuel: Ethanol
5. Biodiesel: In Depth
6. Why Choose Biodiesel?
6.1. How It Works
6.2. Definition
6.3. A Safe and Clean Fuel
7. Precautionary Measures in Using Biodiesel in Your Engines
8. Misconceptions on Biofuel
9. Biofuel and the Controversies
10. Biofuel and Its New Developments


10. Biofuel and Its New Developments
Among the most promising replacement for nonrenewable fossil fuel (petroleum, coal, etc) are fuels made from organic materials, the so-called “biofuels”. The two widely used biofuels are ethanol and biodiesel. Each has its own pros and cons. However, the present technologies result in limitation of production for the reason that not all parts of a certain plant can be used.

Due to this drawback, there has been lot of studies that would resolve this problem. This is where the so-called second generation of biofuel enters. This so-called second generation denotes non food crops (cellulosic biofuel) such as waste biomass, wood, etc.

To briefly differentiate second from first generation, First generation biofuel are those fuel derived from vegetable or animal fats/oils, starch or sugar with the use of modern technology. Proponents claims that increasing industrial and political support for this second generation biofuel is a more feasible solution to achieve efficient fuel production utilizing a much greater range of plants and its waste.

Cellulose ethanol production is newly discovered experimental processes which can breakdown cellulose in woody fibers.

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