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옴의 법칙

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Electricity is one of the most important scientific discoveries in the era of ancient Greece. After careful investigation, electricity is now considered a safe and eco-friendly power source that it does not emit any poisonous smoke or harmful ashes.
Ancient people thought ‘Force’ can only be delivered by ‘contact’. After discovering the dramatic fact that polished amber attracts small dusts or threads, they became ‘aware of the distance force’. After the unveiling, they found out that some objects or parts of the objects are more attracted by the polished amber. It remained mystery until people buckled to investigate electric force in 17th century.
As a first experiment of the general physics experiment 2 which mainly deals with electricity and magnetism, it would be a very meaningful thing to trace the first discover of electricity. However, because it is really difficult to measure the electrical values of polished ambers, we would use electrostatic voltage source to find out how different the charge densities of many different parts of a conductor.


1. 서론
2. 이론
3. 실험방법
4. 결과
5. 오차분석 및 결론


Experiment1 Charge density inside and on the surface of a cylinder
1. We connected the Electrometer, Faraday Ice Pail and Electrostatics Voltage Source to a common earth ground. (We made sure that we did not connect electrometer to the Voltage source before it is connected to the cylinder.)
2. We connected the black lead over the edge of the shield and the red lead over the edge of the ice pail.
3. We zeroed the electrometer,
4. We connected a metal cylinder with approximately 10cm diameter to the 2000V output of the power supply. (We connected lead to the bottom of the 30cm long cylinder.)
5. We used the proof plane to sample the charge densities on various places of cylinder. (We sampled charge densities of bottom, 10cm from the bottom, 20cm from the bottom, and top of the bottom, both for inside and outside the cylinder.)

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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2024년 06월 06일 목요일
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