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[영문]미,한,일 음식광고 비교,분석

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


The linguistic aestheticization of food: a cross-cultural look at food commercials in Japan, Korea, and the United States
After a mass media presented to us, the mass media takes big part of our life. Now, everyone in the world faced the Medias from a radio, television, internet, newspaper etc. There are commercials between a program and the other program. Between those times, we watch commercials. The commercial is a short video (about 15~30 seconds) which presents a product of a company and introduce them so people wants to buy the product. Commercials are magical but also are not magical. It is just its strategies and persuasion techniques that make it seem like magic. People are taken in and convinced by them, and people buy the products.
This journal is focused on the linguistic aestheticization of food: a cross-cultural look at food commercials in Japan, Korea, and the United States. The author of this journal wants to find the differences between 2 Asian cultures and a Western culture. The author includes two typologically similar East Asian Languages associated with two purportedly similar cultures. Therefore, the article demonstrates that variations in the linguistic representations of taste are not straightforwardly attribute to the classic notions generally associated with Eastern values and Western values.




The linguistic aestheticization of food: a cross-cultural look at food commercials in Japan, Korea, and the United States
After a mass media presented to us, the mass media takes big part of our life. Now, everyone in the world faced the Medias from a radio, television, internet, newspaper etc. There are commercials between a program and the other program. Between those times, we watch commercials. The commercial is a short video (about 15~30 seconds) which presents a product of a company and introduce them so people wants to buy the product. Commercials are magical but also are not magical. It is just its strategies and persuasion techniques that make it seem like magic. People are taken in and convinced by them, and people buy the products.
This journal is focused on the linguistic aestheticization of food: a cross-cultural look at food commercials in Japan, Korea, and the United States. The author of this journal wants to find the differences between 2 Asian cultures and a Western culture.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영문]미,한,일 음식광고 비교,분석
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