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Naver VS Google

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네이버와 구글의 차이점을 3가지로 요약해서 적어본 글.(영문)



- General statement: Internet is so common that we can’t imagine our life without it. The first page that we are using most commonly is Naver in Korea and Google in other countries.
- Even though they have in common that they are the most popular searching engine sites, there are many differences. I want to mention three things among them.


- While Google have users leave web site after giving information they need, Naver keeps users stay in it.
Ex) Research reference : the proportion that connecting to other sites Google Vs Naver is 8:2

- Naver is more user friendly than Google.
Ex) Naver has of user date base such as blogs, JiSik in than Google

- Adervertisment.
Ex) Naver : various kind of , lots of, ads
Google : simple type of , less ads


- Restatement of three things.
- How we can use these web sites effectively


Naver VS Google
“What are you doing at home?” “What is your hobby?” In these kinds of questions, instead of listening “I am reading a book.” “My hobby is listening to music.”, you would hear most frequently “I’m surfing the Internet.” “My hobby is doing Internet.” As you already know, Internet is so common that we can’t imagine our life without it. The start page that we are using most commonly is NAVER in Korea, and Google in other countries. Though Google is the most popular web site in the world, he couldn’t hold the first place in Korea. I think it’s because we are so familiar to Naver. Even though they have in common that they are the most popular searching engine sites, there are many differences. Then, What are different things between Google and Naver? I want to mention three thins among them.
At first, age, but Naver want users to be in Naver land. Google let users leave its web site after giving information they need. For instance, iin information in Google, it leads me to

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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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