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아주대학교 통합설계프로젝트1 OLED 최종보고서

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


아주대학교 전자공학부 통합설계프로젝트1 조중렬교수님 OLED 최종보고서(영어) 입니다.


1. Purpose of Experiment
2. Introduction
3. What is packaging
4. Experiment procedure
5. Final Result
6. Failure & Improvement


- Preceding Knowledge
1) What is OLED?
An organic light emitting diode (OLED) is a light-emitting diode (LED) in which the emissive electroluminescent layer is a film of organic compounds which emit light in response to an electric current. This layer of organic semiconductor material is situated between two electrodes. Generally, at least one of these electrodes is transparent.
OLEDs are used in television screens, computer monitors, small, portable system screens such as mobile phones and PDAs, watches, advertising, information, and indication. OLEDs are also used in light sources for space illumination and in large-area light-emitting elements. Due to their early stage of development, they typically emit less light per unit area than inorganic solid-state based LED point-light sources.
An OLED display functions without a backlight. Thus, it can display deep black levels and can be thinner and lighter than liquid crystal displays. In low ambient light conditions such as dark rooms, an OLED screen can achieve a higher contrast ratio than an LCD using either cold cathode fluorescent lamps or the more recently developed LED backlight.
There are two main families of OLEDs: those based upon small molecules and those employing polymers. Adding mobile ions to an OLED creates a Light-emitting Electrochemical Cell or LEC, which has a slightly different mode of operation.

참고 자료

- ASE Korea www.asekr.com
- 삼성전자 www.sec.co.kr
- 3D-IC Alliance, www.d3-ic.org
- http://www.oledexpo.com/seminar/seminar1_1_greeting.php
- http://100.naver.com/100.nhn?docid=793892
- 반도체 패키지와 인쇄회로 기판_ 김경섭
- 현대 반도체 광원의 기초_ 심종인
- www.amkor.co.kr
- http://www.econy.co.kr/
- http://www.topengnet.com/

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아주대학교 통합설계프로젝트1 OLED 최종보고서
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2024년 05월 20일 월요일
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