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oscilloscope and resonance circuit(예비)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


oscilloscope and resonance circuit(예비)


1. Experiment object
2. Key points
3. Theory
4. Simulation Result and Analysis
5. Predicted Result
6. Reference


Like a television screen, the screen of an oscilloscope consists of a cathode ray tube. Although the size and shape are different, the operating principle is the same. Inside the tube is a vacuum. The electron beam emitted by the heated cathode at the rear end of the tube is accelerated and focused by one or more anodes, and strikes the front of the tube, producing a bright spot on the phosphorescent screen.
The electron beam is bent, or deflected, by voltages applied to two sets of plates fixed in the tube. The horizontal deflection plates, or X-plates produce side to side movement. As you can see, they are linked to a system block called the time base. This produces a sawtooth waveform. During the rising phase of the sawtooth, the spot is driven at a uniform rate from left to right across the front of the screen. During the falling phase, the electron beam returns rapidly from right or left, but the spot is `blanked out` so that nothing appears on the screen. In this way, the time base generates the X-axis of the V/t graph. The slope of the rising phase varies with the frequency of the sawtooth and can be adjusted, using the TIME/DIV control, to change the scale of the X-axis.

참고 자료

⑴ Work Principle of Oscilloscope : http://www.doctronics.co.uk/scope.htm
⑵ Introduction to ELECTRIC CIRCUITS(7th edition), Richard C. Dorf, James A. Svoboda
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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oscilloscope and resonance circuit(예비)
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