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UCP 600을 위한 주요개정내용에 관한 연구

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12페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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UCP 600을 위한 주요개정내용에 관한 연구


Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. UCP 600을 위한 주요쟁점분석

Ⅲ. 기타 UCP 600의 주요 논점

Ⅳ. 결 론

Ⅳ. 참고문헌


This paper is aiming at analyzing critical issues for UCP 600 as shown in the First Complete Draft of the proposed Articles, November 2005, so as to make available by banks, traders, transporters and insurance companies to cope with a challenge and an opportunity launched on these new rules. In the course of identifying the issues, two papers by Roger Kreitman, "UCP 600: The end in sight?", October 2005 and by ICC-US Council for International Business, "UCP Drafting Group Makes Progress", from the July-September 2004 issue of DCInsight, have been mainly referred to.

참고 자료

박 세운, “신용장통일규칙 개정 추진현황”, 실무정보, 「금융」, 년도미상.
채 동현, “ICC Commission on Banking Technique & Practice 정기회의참가보고”, 2003. 12.
한 재필, “양도가능신용장거래에서 은행의 영업상 비밀유지의무위반에 관한 연구”, 「중재연구」, 제16권 제1호, 중재연구, 한국중재학회, 2006. 3.
필자미상, “신용장통일규칙 개정 초안 주요 내용”, 년도미상
Black`s Law Dictionary with Pronunciations, 5th ed. West Publishing Co., 1979
del Busto, Charles, ed. Document Credit: UCP 500 and 400 Compared - An Article by Article detailed analysis of the new UCP 500 Compared with the UCP 400, ICC, 1993,
Dolan, John F. , The Law of Letters of Credit: Commercial and Standby Credit, 1990 Cumulative Supplement No.1, Warren Gorham & Lamont, 1990,
Gutteridge, H.C. & Maurice Megrah, The Law of Banker`s Commercial Credits, 6th ed. Europa, 1979,
ICC, Revision of UCP 500 - Issues Identification Paper, Document No. 470/1010
ICC, Policy Statement: A future UCP 500 revision, Commission on Banking Technique and Practice, Document No. 470/888Rev, 3-4 November 1999.
ICC, Draft two of 19 articles of the UCP revision (except for current UCP 500 Articles 13 and 14) for comments by 23 April 2004"
Klein, Carter H., L/C Law Developments, prepared for CBA Commercial & Financial Transactions Committee, Jenner & Block, January 19, 2006,
Kreitman, Roger, Principal consultant, Mantissa, "UCP 600: The end in sight?, October 2005.
http://www.iccbooksusa.com/index.cfm?fib=210 UCP Drafting Group Makes Progress, from the July-September 2004 issue of DCInsight.
http://www.iccbooks.com/TopBannerSites/frame_dciart104.asp The Insight interview: Ole Malmvist, Candid views from a member of the UCP Drafting Group, ICC DCInsight.
http://iccbooks.com/TopBannerSites/frame_dciart122.asp Ole Malmqvist, `UCP 600 "key issues" reconsidered, Special Section: Comments on the Latest UCP draft.
http://www.tolee.com/html/comment4_ucp500.htm UCP 500 Articles 2, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14 - Comment No.4
Banker`s Trust Ltd. v. State Bank of India, [1991]2 Lloyd`s Rep. Rep (C.A.) (Eng.)
Gian Singh & Co. Ltd. v. Banque do L`Inochine, [1974] 1 W.L.R. 1234 (P.C.) (Eng.)
http://tradefinanceindia.com/case%20laws/santander Banco Santander v. Paribas
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