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스타일리스트,에디터,포토그래퍼,안나윈투어,닉나이트,크레이그 맥딘 ,빅토리아 바틀렛(Victoria Bartlett)에 대하여

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78페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


현재 패션계를 주름잡고 있는 대표 4인으로 보그 편집장인 안나윈투어(Anna Wintour)와
스타일리스트 빅토리아 바틀렛(Victoria Bartlett), 포토그래퍼인 닉나이트(Nick Knight) ,크레이그 맥딘(Craig McDean)에 대해서 조사, 발표한 ppt자료입니다 (총 76챕터)
군더더기 없이 깔끔하게 사진자료 위주로 작성하였구요 간단한 이력 소개 후 사진과 스타일을 보면서
발표하시면 좋을 거 같아요 사진자료는 해외인터넷과 잡지 사이트를 통해 조사한 거구요 총 76챕터로 방대한
안나윈투어 외에 3인의 자료는 찾기 힘들어서 좋은 자료가 될 거 같아요



-빅토리아 바틀렛

크레이그 맥딘


Anna Wintour

Born November 3, 1949 London, England

Occupation Magazine editor

Title Editor-in-chief, U.S. Vogue

Family Patrick, James, and Norah (siblings); Charles (father)

Spouse David Shaffer

Children Charles and Katherine ("Bee")

Ethnicity English American

Salary $2 million (reportedly)

Notable credit(s) Editorial assistant, Harpers & Queen, Harper`s Bazaar;
fashion editor, Viva, Savvy, New York; creative director, U.S. Vogue;
editor-in-chief, British Vogue and House & Garden
Ukrainian model Snejana Onopka is modelling as Anna Wintour, the powerful US Vogue editor-in-chief, in the latest issue of the French Vogue. I love this shoot, even though she doesn’t really resemble Anna (she way too thin!), she managed to master her poses and expressions so well. The stylings are excellent: the wig, the shades and the designer clothes that suits her age. By the way, the photographer is Mario Testino.

SNEJANA ONOPKA goes Anna Wintour for Vogue Paris (August 2007), shot by the legendary Mario Testino.

Ukrainian model Snejana Onopka is modelling as Anna Wintour, the powerful US Vogue editor-in-chief, in the latest issue of the French Vogue. I love this shoot, even though she doesn’t really resemble Anna (she way too thin!), she managed to master her poses and expressions so well. The stylings are excellent: the wig, the shades and the designer clothes that suits her age. By the way, the photographer is Mario Testino.

SNEJANA ONOPKA goes Anna Wintour for Vogue Paris (August 2007), shot by the legendary Mario Testino.

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