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informative speech about psychopath 정보전달 스피치, 5분 스피치, 싸이코패스

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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미국 대학교에서 mass communication과목 들을때 informative speech로 발표했던 자료의 스크립트 입니다.
내용전개와 구성이 좋다고 칭찬받았고, A받은 자료입니다.


I. Introduction
I-1. Introduce a case of psychopath in U.K(so called B.T.K killer) (quote of his profiler Marry Ellen Odle / the number of his victims)
I-2. Give a definition of psychopath

II. Body
1. Characteristics of a psychopath
A. Personality traits of a psychopath
B. Behavioral traits of a psychopath (Hand out about PCL-R, which is a Robert hare’s psychopath checklist)

2. Misunderstand about a psychopath
A. Difference between psycho and psychopath
B. All of the psychopath are not serial killer or major criminal (Quote of Dr.nisimura at keio medical college)
C. A white-collar psychopath
-the exploding Ford Pinto
-Sam Vaknin, a financial analyst and a businessman

3. Cause of a psychopath and treatment for them
A. Genetic component – brain damage (Hand out about picture of contrast between normal’s brain and psychopath’s one / simple test by using 4pictures)
B. Environment of nurture – domestic violence
C. There is no treatment for them. There is only management

III. conclusion
III-1. Those psychopath are different from us
A. They have different characteristics from us
B. They are only care about their interest and self-satisfaction
C. There are no cause and no treatment be probable

III-2. When you meet someone, who is not familiar with you, you should be careful


Have you ever heard about Dr.Harold shipman? He was a doctor at Hide in northwest British. He chooses only older people ranging in age from 41 to 97 and injected them a kind of poison and watching them to die. He won the respect as a doctor. He used the respectability of being the doctor to manipulate his patient. They trusted him and he used that. He’s ends were a fetish for the point of death. people moving through from one life to dead. That is what was exciting for him. That was his kick. He killed 1 at 1992, 16 at 1993, and 11 at 1994, within the 1995 and 1996 he killed 30 patients and the 1997, at least them of 37. Till now he murdered at least 230 patients. He’s profiler Marry ellen odle said about him that he has no remorse for the victims, no empathic for the victim and no regard for the victims. That’s a part of his personality. That’s the commonest trait of psychopath. Psychopath is disorder characterized by an abnormal lack of empathy combined with strongly amoral conduct b

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informative speech about psychopath 정보전달 스피치, 5분 스피치, 싸이코패스
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AI 챗봇
2024년 05월 18일 토요일
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