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Steel butterfly

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발레리나 강수진님에 대한 biography입니다. 문법교정 받았으며 A 받은 페이퍼 입니다.




Steel butterfly
The light is turned off at 9 o’clock as usual in dormitory building. Little girl lies in the bed, and she closes eyes for a moment till everyone gets sleep. And then, she makes herself up in silence. The girl heads to the class room with stealthy footstep pretty well. When everyone gets sleep in the bed, she lies on the floor until she can find her feet in the darkness. As soon as her eyes can see something in the dark, she holds the Barre and starts to dance. The blood flows out from the wounds on her feet which have not yet fully healed, but only moonlight watches her shoes which get stained with bloody red. This is the story of Korean ballerina Kang when she was in ballet school.
Her full name is Su-Jin Kang. Sue Jin Kang was born in Korea in 1967. She started ballet when she was 12. She was picked from ballet school in Monaco at 15, and she was trained there as ballerina in 3 years. She won at international ballet competition, Lausanne-Swiss. It was first time for Asian ballerina. In the next year, she joined Stuttgart Ballet. Stuttgart Ballet, the first major German ballet company, rose rapidly to fame in the 1960s under the direction of John Cranko who left his position as staff choreographer of Great Britain’s Royal Ballet to direct the company in 1961("Stuttgart Ballet"). Her joining impressed many people because she was 19 when she became a member of the company. She was the youngest member ever.

참고 자료

Gold, Sylviane. "Stuttgart Satisfies / Kang sparkles as Tatiana in romantic `Onegin`". Newsday July 10, 1998:
Krause, Bernd. "The Allure of an Outstanding Talent-The ballerina Sue Jin Kang". People in the world 1996:
Kisselgoff, Anna. "New Touches for Stuttgart’s ‘Onegin’". New York Times July 10, 1998:
"Stuttgart Ballet." Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition (2009): 1. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 20 Sep. 2009.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Steel butterfly
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