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전기전자기초실험 Chapter 3 Oscilloscope and Resonance Report

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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2011년 2학기 전기전자기초실험 보고서입니다. 전부 다 영어로 작성되어 있으며, 예비보고서의 경우 주석 충분히 달려 있습니다. 베끼지 않고 작성하여, 이 자료를 쓰셔도 Cheating의 염려가 없습니다.




① Describe the electrical parameters that we can measure using oscilloscope.
Oscilloscope is a device that can measure the voltage signal that varies of time. Thus, we can obtain waveform of voltage basically. Plus, measurement tool included in oscilloscope helps us to get the more precise data, such as magnitude of voltage(Vp-p, Vavg, Vrms), frequency and period of wave, and phase/time differences of two wave signals.(We can guess the parameter values by observing the waveform, but it is not exact compared with measure tool of oscilloscope)
② What are the errors that can be generated during measuring voltage with oscilloscope?
Since experiment is not ideal, values may not match exactly compared with theoretical values. That can make errors. These are detailed reasons.
- We assumed that wire has no resistance in experiment, but wire has a little resistance.
- Oscilloscope is not ideal device, and it express the measured values as calculating down to two places of decimals. Thus measured value is differ from theoretical value.
- The values are shaken up and down, thus the values we measured maybe not exact.
- The way oscilloscope get the value is measuring waveform that appear on monitor, thus it can measure the spark-on wave(error) value as the Vp-p value.

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전기전자기초실험 Chapter 3 Oscilloscope and Resonance Report
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