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I. IntroductionBrief explanation about construction industryAnalysis of construction industry1). Business Model2). the condition that the construction industry faces with3). Changes in the construction industry4). Top five targeted construction-related firmII. Financial AnalysisEPSROENPMROADividend YieldReceivable TurnoverInventory TurnoverDebt / Equity RatioIII. ConclusionIV. ReferenceBrief explanations about Construction IndustryConstruction industry is the industry which is closely related to our life, and it plays an important role as the pivot in developing economy of a country. Construction industry is separated into many different facilities. First, there is a y such as apartments, and villas. Second, commercial facility such as buildings, downtown, and condominium belongs to construction industry. Third, community-based facility such as bridge, highways, roads dams, plants, and airports. Lastly, Construction industry ranges to public facility such as schools, libraries, and museums and so on. It is needless to say that these fields are all related to wherever we go and things around us. Therefore it is desirable to recognize construction industry as an industry with competitive potential of growth.


I. Introduction
1. Brief explanation about construction industry
2. Analysis of construction industry
1). Business Model
2). the condition that the construction industry faces with
3). Changes in the construction industry
4). Top five targeted construction-related firm

II. Financial Analysis
1. EPS
2. ROE
3. NPM
4. ROA
5. Dividend Yield
6. Receivable Turnover
7. Inventory Turnover
8. Debt / Equity Ratio

III. Conclusion

IV. Reference


Brief explanations about Construction Industry
Construction industry is the industry which is closely related to our life, and it plays an important role as the pivot in developing economy of a country. Construction industry is separated into many different facilities. First, there is a residential facility such as apartments, and villas. Second, commercial facility such as buildings, downtown, and condominium belongs to construction industry. Third, community-based facility such as bridge, highways, roads dams, plants, and airports. Lastly, Construction industry ranges to public facility such as schools, libraries, and museums and so on. It is needless to say that these fields are all related to wherever we go and things around us. Therefore it is desirable to recognize construction industry as an industry with competitive potential of growth.
As you can see from the graph above, the top six large construction companies have larger and larger percentage of overseas orders year by year. This shows that construction industry has potential to success in overseas market orders.
Analysis of Construction Industry

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