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영문 경제 영국과 유럽의 실업률 Unemployment rate Is it ever going to reduce?

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


유럽과 영국의 실업률을 경제학적인 관점으로 풀어본 영문 리포트 입니다.




In the wake of the late 2008 global meltdown, countries in Europe as well as United States continue to struggle with radically increasing unemployment rates. Is this an effect of financial crisis originated in the Wall St.? Many assume that the financial institution meltdown end up leading to a seriously growing unemployment rate. What has caused the unemployment rate in the United Kingdom to jump from 5.6% in 2008 to an amazing 7.6% in 2009, with dolefully little end in sight? As an economics scholar myself, I would like to discover the cause of and the solutions to ever-increasing unemployment rate.
Unemployment is defined as the percentage of people who do not have jobs, but who are actively looking (Richards, 2010). Unemployment can take on a variety of forms (frictional, cyclical, and structural), but there is little doubt that jobless rates go hand-in-hand ‘only’ with the basic economical phenomenon. There are people who believe that aspects such as minimum wages and unionization also contribute to unemployment (Richards, 2010). However, in an overall economic slump prevailing currently, an unemployment rate needs little help from higher minimum wages, unemployment insurance or unionization. This is because employment is directly related to demand – and demand is the basic economic concept.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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영문 경제 영국과 유럽의 실업률 Unemployment rate  Is it ever going to reduce?
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