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Same Sex Marriages in The United Kingdom

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Same Sex Marriages in The United Kingdom
According to the British government the current population of the United Kingdom is around sixty million people. The government estimates that about 3 percent of the population is homosexual which comes out to about 1,800,000 people, other sources say that the numbers are much higher around 10 percent if taken into account the circumstances of some of those who are not open about it, or even know it. 3 percent may seem like a conservative estimate but that is still a lot of people which results in laws and rights being create for this group of people.
Ever since the mid 80s several pieces of legislation have been enacted which seek to”reward, sustain, and encourage married, heterosexual nuclear family life, while punishing, disenfranchising and discouraging any other forms.”(Griffin & Mulholland 278) Like in all countries the issue of same sex marriages began to surface as more and more same sex couples tried to wed. Soon everything would change as the British government decided that they had to somehow legalize these unions because of the growing demand for same sex marriage and they finally came up with the Civil Partnership Act of 2004.

참고 자료

UK Government Webpage. Crown Copyright 2004.
18th November 2004 <http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/en2004/2004en33.htm>.
Cretney, Stephen. Same Sex Relationships: from ‘Odious Crime’ to ‘Gay Marriage’.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006.
Griffen, Kate, and Mulholland, Lisa A.
Lesbian Motherhood in Europe. London: Washington House, 1997.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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