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에곤 쉴레, 그의 인생과 열정 속에서. Egon Schiele, The Inside of His Life and Passion

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3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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에곤 쉴레에 대한 영어 에세이 입니다. 그의 기괴한 그림과 불우했던 인생, 그러나 사실은 예술을 너무나 사랑했던 부분에 초점이 맞춰져 있습니다. 분량은 두 페이지 반 정도. 끝에 참고자료/사이트 명시되어 있습니다.




Egon Schiele, The Inside of His Life and Passion

Most painters portray themselves. Its painting style depends on painter`s character, but it would be almost similar with the painter`s looks. Two years ago, I was very surprised when I saw a self-portrait of Egon Schiele who was from Austria. His self-portrait was peculiar not only with a skinny body, twisted arms and legs, dappled skin color, but also with rough lines and colors. It was a kind of shock for me. And then, I came up to several questions. Did he hate himself? Was he negative about this world and his life? Why did he express himself so grotesquely?
According to Frank Whitford, Egon Schiele was lonely, depressed, and he thought that he wasn`t be loved by anyone when he was young. His father didn`t want his son to become a painter, and he ever put Schiele`s drawings into the fire. After his father`s death, Schiele and his mother`s relationship got cold. His mother complained about his violent behaviors to relatives, and he was dissatisfied with his mother. Later, Schiele said "My mother is a very strange woman. She doesn`t understand me, and doesn`t love me much either." Also he wrote that his teacher and everyone around him didn`t understand him. (Whitford, 1980)

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에곤 쉴레, 그의 인생과 열정 속에서. Egon Schiele, The Inside of His Life and Passion
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