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Pressure sensitive adhesives (점착제) ppt 발표자료

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Pressure sensitive adhesive에 해당하는 고분자 구조와 원리, 특성


Classify of PSAs
Rubber PSA
Acrylic PSA
Silicone PSA


Pressure Sensitive is a term commonly used to designate a distinct category of adhesives based on
elastomeric materials, such as Styrene Block Copolymers, which in dry form are permanently tacky at room or low temperature.

The polymer in a pressure sensitive adhesive is a viscoelastic material that is permanently as well as aggressively tacky and has enough cohesive strength and elasticity to be cleanly removed from a substrate surface. These polymers are typically linear polymers with a slight degree of cross-linking. The degree of crosslinking is one of the key features controlling the balance between cohesive and adhesive strength of the polymer. Functional groups to increase adhesive strength can also be placed onto the unsaturation sites.

참고 자료

Understanding Pressure Sensitive Adhesives, PSA 101
New Hydrogenated Styrenic Block Copolymers for Pressure Sensitive Adhesives
Adhesion Performances of Acrylic PSA Containing UV-crosslinkable Moieties
The Importance of Polymer Structure in Pressure Sensitive Adhesives
Miniemulsion polymerization of acrylated methyl oleate for pressure sensitive adhesives
Styrenic Block Copolymers
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Pressure sensitive adhesives (점착제) ppt 발표자료
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