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13페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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Asepn을 이용한 공정설계 레포트




Passing through industrialization of modern society, oil was indispensable resource. The oil has low prices, a variety of use and high thermal efficiency, whereas environmental pollution and global warming problems are promoted by the harmful gases such as CO, CO2, NOx, SO2 from combustion of petroleum resources. In addition, the non-recyclable petroleum resources are depleted by the day, looking for alternative sources of energy has emerged as a hugh topic.
Bio-ethanol, bio-diesel is one alternative of above problems. Because bio-energy is extracted from organisms, it do not depleted as arable land is existed. And it does not trigger warming gases because it absorbs CO2 from atmosphere and reemit CO2 compared petroleum resources which increase the amount of CO2. However, because of low efficiency, the bio-energy by using the grain has increased the price of crop. As a result, bio-energy for humanity and the environment has triggered the shortage of food resources.
As a alternative of it is bio-energy from algae and woody resources. Bio-energy from woody resources has high cost of process because of lignin and it destroys the wood. In comparison, the bio-energy from seaweed utilize wider area of ocean and has high efficiency so it can be harvested several times. Micro-algae bio-energy has 16 times efficiency than oil palm and macro-algae bio-energy has 1.5 times efficiency than sugar cane.

참고 자료

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2. 황선일 `해조류를_이용한_바이오에너지_생산기술` 교과부, Kisti 2009.9
3. 김경수 외 4명 `해조류를_이용한_바이오에너지_생산기술`, bioin 스페셜, 2009.11
4. http://cafe.naver.com/hyunjong21.cafe?iframe_url=/ArticleRead.nhn%3Farticleid=320 6& (해조류 바이오매스의 경제적 생산방법과 응용제품)
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6. 장지석 `해조류 다시마의 당화 최적화 및 동시당화발효를 이용한 바이오에탄올 생산` 부경대학교 생물공학과 2011. 2
7. 박재일 외 2명 `해양조류로부터 바이오에너지 생산 - 현황 및 전망` 신라대학교 2008.10
8. 조정희 `해조류 바이오산업화 - 현황과 대책` 월간 KMI 수산동향 7월호
9. 유찬희 `세계바이오연료전망` 한국농촌경제연구원
10. 박재명 `우뭇가사리 먹고 자동차가 달린다` 동아닷컴 2008.7.31
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13. 바이오 연료 사용의 현황과 문제 농업경제학과 20022568 강성환
14. 정유진 `기지개켜는 조류 바이오연료시장` LG경제연구소 2010.6.9.
15. 김용진 `바이오에탄올의_전망과_미래` 한국 생산기술 연구원
16. Bioethanol : A Renewable Transportation Fuel from Biomass 2002.03.12
17. BioSep™: A New Ethanol Recovery Technology for Small Scale Rural
Production of Ethanol from Biomass 2006.11
18. The DOE bioethanol pilot plant (http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy00osti/28397.pdf)
19. Seaweed: Potential biomass for ethanol production, Truong Nam Hai, 2007.11.20.
20. Lignocellulosic biomass to ethanol process design and economis utilizing co-current dilute acid prehydrolysis and enzymatic hydrolysis for corn stover.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
판매자 유형Silver개인인증


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