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Torture Essay

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미국 상위 10위권 안 대학 English 1A class 에서 A를 받은 Shrot Essay 입니다.




The Ugly Face Of Torture
Hook. Torture is immoral. Can we say that the bombing of Hiroshima was justifiable because the bombing had the potential to save American lives? The question is debatable.
The argument on the justification of torture surrounds the recent torture incidents in the war-torn middle east. Torture is not a readily accepted solution to the war on terror. An article from Contemporary Review asks, “An ethical dilemma in the extracting of crucial information is thereby posed: `Is it permissible to employ inhumane treatment when it is believed to be the only way to prevent loss of lives?` (393).” (Kampmark) In other words, is torture permissible when it involves the enemy? More importantly, are foreigners exempt from the laws that protect Americans? The article adds, “But it (torture incidents) also issues the caveat that terrorists are lesser legal beings, since they have, like criminals, `consented` to `the possibility of being captured, detained, interrogated, or po

참고 자료

Drinan, Robert F.. "U.S. torture sets a shameful record.(COLUMNS)." National Catholic Reporter. National Catholic Reporter. 2005. HighBeam Research. 30 Jul. 2009
Kampmark, Binoy. "Torture, Truth and Liberty: Placing the Conduct at Abu Ghraib in Context.(Torture and Truth: America, Abu Ghraib, and the War on Terror)(The Torture Papers: The Road to Abu Ghraib)(Book Review)." Contemporary Review. Contemporary Review Company Ltd. 2005. HighBeam Research. 30 Jul. 2009
Hersh, Seymour M. “Torture At Abu Ghraib.” New Yorker Magazine. 10 May 2004.
Finn, Peter and Warrick, Joby. “In 2002, Military Agency Warned Against `Torture” The Washington Post. 25 April 2009.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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