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지역화폐의 한국 적용(Is `LETS` Adoptable to Korean Community as a Regeneration Initiative)

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14페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


지역화폐(LETS)에 관하여 간략하게 키워드 중심으로 정리한 프리젠테에션 자료입니다. 렛츠에 관한 기본 개념과 장단점을 정리하고 미국과 한국의 간략한 사례를 소개합니다. 영문으로 작성하였으며, 레퍼런스를 달았습니다.


What is “LETS”?

Key Rules

Key Functions

LETS Network

Typical Discourses



Korean Experience

Is LETS Adoptable to Korea?



Local Exchange Trading System
trading networks using a community-created local currency
and a directory of services provided by network members
(North 2000)

originally introduced by Michael Linton in Canada in1983

- Trading Goods and Services
What they have. on their decision
Price is agreed between the buyer and seller.
- Complementary System
local currency - ‘bobbins’ in Manchester, ‘solents’ in Southampton
no interest
- One-to-one Collective Self-help
community participation
a third way

참고 자료

North, P. (2000). Is There Space for Organization from Below within the
UK Government`s Action Zones? A Test of `Collaborative Planning.‘,
Urban Studies, 37, (8), p1261-1278.
North, P. (2003). Time banks - learning the lessons from LETS? Local
Economy, 18, (3), p267-270.
Pearce, j. and Wadhams C. (1998). Uncommon Currencies: LETS and
their impact on property repair and maintenance for low income
homeowners. Bristol: The Policy Press.
Ryu, D. and Choi H. (2003). A Study on the Activation of Local Currency:
The Case of Hanbat LETS, [on line]. Hanbat LETS. Available from:
new=2. [Accesed 08 Dec. 2005]
Williams, C. C., Aldridge, T., Lee R., Leyshon, A., Thrift, N. and Tooke J. .
(2001). Bridge into Work? An Evaluation of Local Exchanges and
Trading Schemes, Policy Studies, 22, (2), p119-132.
Williams, C. C., Aldridge, T., Lee R., Leyshon, A., Thrift, N. and Tooke J. .
(2001). Local Exchange and Trading Schemes (LETS): a tool
for community renewal?, Community, Work & Family, 4, (3), p355-361
Williams, C. C. (2004). Community Capacity Building: A Critical
Evaluation of the Third Sector Approach. Review of Policy Research, 21,
(5), p729-739.
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지역화폐의 한국 적용(Is `LETS` Adoptable to Korean Community as a Regeneration Initiative)
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