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(4)Sir gawain and Green knight-1

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


미국에서 교환학생 할 때 작성한 저널로 총 3가지 파트로 이루어져 있습니다. Part I 작품에서 3가지의 질문을 만들고 스스로 답할 것 / Part II작품의 전체적인 주제를 언급할 것 / Part III작품에서 가장 감명깊었던 파트를 선정하여 해설할 것


Part 1
Q1. Why does Sir Gawain participate in the beheading game?
Q2. Why is the Knight green?
Q3. Chaucer and the author were contemporaries. Was the author influenced by Chaucer? Who is the author?
Q4. Where are the five virtues found? And which one does Gawain not abide by?
Q5. What is the purpose that the author wants to represent through Gawain’s confession in the last scene?
Q6. Why is Gawain scared at the moment that the Green knight hits his neck?

Part 2

Part 3


Q1. Why does Sir Gawain participate in the beheading game?
When the Green knight comes in the hall, he lays emphasis on peace. But, the game that he suggests is a cruel beheading game. The beheading game that the Green Knight suggests is judged on the criteria of chivalry. When he suggests this game, the knights of the Round Table keep silence. And King Arthur let other men know that he would participate in the game. At that moment, Sir Gawain participates in this game instead of Arthur. Worthlessness of the beheading game is proved by the other knights’ speech “A marvelous leader of men on land suits him well, / So much better than being belittled and lost, / Beheading by an elvish man due to excessive pride”(678-679). Nevertheless, the reason that Gawain enters the game is to keep faith and show loyalty. “I am aware of my weakness,~ fall on you”(354-357)

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