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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
36페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기




1 Executive Summary 2

2 Introduction .6
2.1 Brief history of Starbucks 6
2.2 The current state of the industry 8
2.3 The position of Starbucks in the industry 12

3 Financial Ratio Analysis 14
3.1 Short-term Financial Stability 14
3.2 Long-term Financial Stability………………………………………………………………..17
3.3 Operational Efficiency 21
3.4 Profitability 27
3.5 Market value (PER / PBR) 29

4 Strength and Weakness of Starbucks 32

5 Recommendations 34

References 36

Appendix 37


1 Executive Summary

Starbucks Corporation has unarguably been the most successful coffee chain in the past few decades, using their aggressive expansion strategies to push out much of its competitor, and seizing the number one position in its industry. Yet, in the recent few years, the market has shown Starbucks to be in constant decline, as their stock has dropped about $15/share, a value they have been above since 2004. Also, in 2007 Starbucks announced the down-sizing of the stores closing down 600 under-performing stores in the US, and lost its number one position to Mc.Cafe the very same year.
It is true that the US economic recession, the macro-economical reason resulted in job losses, cuts in people’s payroll, and decrease in consumption. It is true that these happenings affected Starbucks in a negative way, cutting down their profits. Also, rising competition of its rivals, Dunkin Doughnuts and McDonalds have contributed to the corporation’s profit decline. However, we believe that some micro-economic reasons such as inefficient use of assets exist within the corporation. Thus, we try to look into the financial state of Starbucks in order to determine and evaluate Starbucks’ current financial situation using various financial ratios. We will than analyze and provide appropriate recommendations for the company.

참고 자료

Investopedia dictionary. www.investopedia.com.
Infinance website. Financial Ratios http://www.infinancials.com
Yahoo finance. Balance sheet and Income Statement http://finance.yahoo.com
QSR Magazine.com. http://www.qsrmagazine.com/articles/news/story.phtml?id=6951
Simply Hired. Job trend graph www.simplyhired.com/.../trend/q-coffee+industry
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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