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전문학술영어 A+ Disney와 DreamWorks의 차이점과 공통점 아웃라인 및 본문

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


전문학술영어 Compare and Contrast 관련 내용입니다.
Disney와DreamWorks사 간의 공통점과 차이점 비교대조한 자료입니다.
서론,본론,결론에 각각 Topic 2개와 Support 2개씩 구성되어 있으며, 아웃라인과 본문 모두 있습니다.


1. Introduction
Attention gather
2. Topic Sentence : Similarities
A. TopicX : Contents
Support 1
Adaptation of classic and fairy tale.
Support 2
Standardized and stereotypical character

B. Topic Y : Focusing on
Support 1 : Beautiful scene and music
Support 2 : 3D animation

3. Topic Sentence : Differences
A. TopicX : Stories line
Support 1
Disney - Imitative and traditional story line
Supprot 2
Dreamworks - Anti-Disney story line

B. TopicY : 3D animation
Support 1
Disney - firstly sticked to 2D animation
Dreamworks - mainly focused on 3D
Support 2
Disney - Quality
Dreamworks - Quantity

3. Conclusion
Final comment


Who do you remember when you think about animation character? Is that a little mermaid who wants to be a human or big green monster that has funny ears? Whatever flash into your head, most of the characters that come across your mind are made by two big companies. That is Disney and Dreamworks. 2 companies now compete their strength to be the number 1 in animation market. Interestingly, There is a deep history between 2 companies. One of DreamWorks CEO, Jeffery Katzenberg is ex-chairman of Disney. He quitted the job with anger because of discord in Disney and made Dreamworks with Steven Spielberg. Because of this history, 2 companies have many similarities and also have many differences. Today, I`d like to introduce some similarities and diffrences between 2 companies.

<중 략>

As market`s key industry, moving form 2D to 3D, now Disney has to concentrate on 3D animations. Also there is difference in their competitive advantage in 3D animation. Disney`s competitive advantage is quality of animation. They have good reputation for good command of 3D technology. On the other hand, DreamWorks` competitive advantage is quantity of 3D animation. They release their works in short term so this speedy release can raise their brand awareness to people.

참고 자료



판매자 유형Bronze개인


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