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영어로 한국음식 소개하기, 불고기 만드는 법!

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영어로 한국음식 소개하는 발표문!


1. Introduction
-Have you ever eaten Korean food?
-What kind of Korean food do you know?

2. Body1-What is Korean food?
-Korean food has long history and then, has some characteristics.
1. Fermenting food is very remarkable effect in nutrition and health aspects.
2. There are many Korean foods that are mixed and boiled each ingredient.
3. Korean food prefer to a vegetable diet to meat food.

3. Body2-Korean food has been developed.
-Korean foods were approved fit for space food by the Russia’s Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP) after passing through a set of rigorous feasibility tests.

4. Body3-How to cook Bulgogi?
1. Slice lean meat of short rids or sirloin against the grain, and marinate in sugar, cooking liquor and pear extract for about 30 minutes.
2. Prepare seasoning by mixing soy bean sauce with sugar, water, chopped garlic, chopped green onions, sesame salt, black pepper and sesame oil.
3. Grill the prepared beef with the seasoning in a frying pan.

5. Conclusion
-These days, Korean food is becoming known
-In youtube, you can watch the advertisement about Bibimbap.


Do you know the Chinese restaurant which is in front of OOO? In there, they sell Chinese food and also Korean food. Have you ever visited there? Or have you ever eaten Korean food? What kind of Korean food do you know? If you never heard about Korean food, it will be sad for me. But it’s okay. Now I will explain to you about Korean food.
What is Korean food?
First, what is Korean food? One of food critics in New York said, “Even though Korean food is very wonderful, but it’s unknown. It’s mystery.” Korean food has long history and then, has some characteristics. For instance, fermenting food like Doenjang and Kimchi is specially advanced. Fermenting food is very remarkable effect in nutrition and health aspects. It will be more drawing attentions. On the other hand, do you know Bibimbap? Like Bibimbap, there are many Korean foods that are mixed and boiled each ingredient. In addition, Korean food prefer to a vegetable diet to meat food.

<중 략>

1. Fermenting food is very remarkable effect in nutrition and health aspects.
2. There are many Korean foods that are mixed and boiled each ingredient.
3. Korean food prefer to a vegetable diet to meat food.
Body2-Korean food has been developed.

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2024년 05월 17일 금요일
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