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트랜스내셔널현대영미시 Contemporary modern and contemporary Asian American Poetry 시인소개

최초 등록일
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47페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


트랜스내셔널현대영미시 Contemporary modern and contemporary Asian American Poetry 시인소개




01 Marilyn Chin ‘How I Got That Name’

Born In Hong Kong in 1955
One of the first signs of the change in location was her father’s insistence that her name be changed from Mei Ling to Marilyn.
“He thought it was necessary for us to change our names when we went to school,” she said.
And while chin says she now accepts the name and no longer seeks to change it, she remains an activist poet who sees herself pitted against the dominant culture in which she lives.
“I think it’s very important to have an activist voice in American poetry.”
Who is she?

She also noted that her take on poetry included the central philosophy that poetry must do something.
“I don’t quite believe in art for art’s sake. I believe there must be a higher order. What we write can change the world. That may sound a little idealistic but I feel it’s very important that poetry make something happen.”

<중 략>

Proven pulse: barb lightCollapsible pillar and roofDonor: dolorPlacement between l and rDomain: matching years and serviceAttributable cause: surfeit`s lawsBraving cut: neck without collar
Its second member /ric/ meaning "powerful"First member /am/, "labor," endurance of toilEvidence exhibited to best lightMore than a light besiegedNewest stateDelicate veinShelter askant

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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트랜스내셔널현대영미시 Contemporary modern and contemporary Asian American Poetry 시인소개
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