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Job Performance

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
41페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


조직행동론 job performance PPT


1. What is the definition of job performance?
What are the three dimensions of job performance?

2. What is task performance? How do organizations
identify the behaviors that underlie task performance?

3. What is citizenship behavior,
and what are some specific examples of it?

4. What is counterproductive behavior,
and what are some specific examples of it?

5. What workplace trends affect job performance
in today’s organizations?

6. How can organizations use job performance
information to manage employee performance?


What is the definition of job performance?
Job performance is formally defined as the value of the set of employee behaviors that contribute, either positively or negatively, to organizational goal accomplishment.
업무능력은 공식적으로 조직적 목표 성과에 대해 긍정적 또는 부정적으로 기여하는
직원들의 행동의 가치라 정의된다.

Three dimensions of Job performance
The three dimensions of job performance are task performance, citizenship behavior, and counterproductive behavior.
업무능력의 3요소로는
과업수행, 시민행동, 비생산적 행동이 있다.

<중 략>

실제 업무 행동의 예시들에 대해서
한 직원을 평가하는 직원 평가 방식에 해당된다.
(비판적 사고와 도표 등급 작성의 방법을 혼합)
BARS assess performance by directly assessing job performance behaviors. The BARS approach uses `critical incidents` to create a measurement instrument that manager can use to evaluate employee performance.
Behaviorally anchored
rating scales(BARS) (Cont’d.)

Behaviorally anchored
rating scales(BARS) (Cont’d.)
A BARS approach might use critical incidents to create the following response anchors, ranging from excellent adaptive performances (5) to poor adaptive performance (1):

360도 피드백은
관리자와 상호작용하는 모든 인맥들로부터 얻은 정보들을 토대로 피드백을 활용하는
직원 평가 방식에 해당된다.

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