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1차세계대전의 원인, Nye와 Stoessinger의 견해 비교

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최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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1차세계대전의 원인, 조지프나이교수와 스토신저교수의 견해 비교, 영어레폿

성적 : A-




Date of submission:
Q. What was "the cause" of World War I? Or were there many causes? Explain how/why you believe the war started. Was war inevitable in 1914? Discuss both Nye`s and Stoessinger`s approaches to the question of WWI`s origins, and tell us which approach you find more persuasive and why.
The first question is .
Nye said; Let us distinguish three types of causes in terms of their proximity in time to the event we are studying. The most remote are deep causes, then come intermediate causes, and those immediately before the event are precipitating causes.
In World War I, the deep causes were changes in the structure of the balance of power and certain aspects of the domestic political systems. Especially important reasons were the rise of German strength, the development of a bipolar alliance system, the rise of nationalism and the resultant destruction of two declining empires, and German politics.

<중 략>

In my opinion, Joseph Nye’s approaches are better than John Stoessinger. Because, upside I already wrote, Nye’s approaches are very realistic. He tries to send for me kinds of fact about whole reason to War. Of course he have his theory ‘The Soft Power’. It is support who read his book. And inside this text, his concise style express is more persuasive for me. In addition, when we read this kinds theory book, usually reading speed is bit slow and also not interesting. But this text, Nye used his own wit and writing very simply. And also his book has adequate amount of emotional part. So, when I read this text was not boring, plus this text can read just part of part.

참고 자료

Why Nations go to war / 스토신저
국제분쟁의 이해 이론과 역사 / 조지프 나이 / 한울
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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1차세계대전의 원인, Nye와 Stoessinger의 견해 비교
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