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입양(Adoption)에 관한 영작글

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2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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Adoption에 대한 영작글입니다. 오타 및 문법상 오류 전혀 없습니다.




I heard that at an East Room launch, Bush called adoption an extraordinary act of love. I think so that is absolutely right. Adoption changes a single life forever and brings countless blessings to the lives of parents. And I heard also lots of Korean parents give their baby up and send to foreign countries. We can confirm easily how many Korean babies are adopted by reading Rethinking Adoption section. From now I would like to assert my opinion after a appearing certain story I just made.
The past, Jim was found as an abandoned baby, one week after him birth, in Seoul, and was adopted by an American family. Maybe, at that point in time, his parents were not married so they didn`t want to bring him up or his mother gave birth to a boy without husband so she didn`t want to take care of baby alone. Whether or not Jim parents are totally irresponsible. On the other hand, Jim foster parents were having no children of their own they were hoping to adopt an orphan. Jim haven`t become conscious of adopted. So Jim have been growing up well till now. And he will be the same also in the future. I am too shamed to talk about this situation. Because I think these things happen.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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