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-Introduction of pharmaceutical industry
-Corporation about pharmaceutical industry
-Analysis of the ratio
-Future Outlook


Introduction of pharmaceutical industry

◈Characteristic of Domestic medicine industry

In pharmaceutical industry, there are 5 characteristics.
1.thepharmaceutical industry hasDomestic Finished Product, because In 14.8 trillion won, only 1.4 trillion is export.
2. It is Regulated industries and Strong regulation of Country, because it is directly related to people’s health.
3. Determine medicine and medical supplies by a physician as prescribed, so medicine company advertise their product to doctor or medicine organ not to customer.
4. Asymmetry between supplier and Consumer, so consumer doesn’t have any professional information and limited Specialized drugs advertising.
5. Price of medicine is not flexible, because medicine industry doesn’t consider business cycle, so it can maintain stable business cycle

◈Prospect of Pharmaceutical company in 2012

There are the most important 3 prospects of Pharmaceutical industry.
1.entering the global market with new medicine and improving medicine which has high marketability since 2011, such as multinational corporations develop new medicine activity and active launching of improving medicine and bio similar.
2. Decreasing the price of medicine is going to be burden, but major company’s market power will be recovered, because supporting for innovative pharmaceutical company from government, Acceleration of restricting and reorganization centered in upper company.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Diamond개인인증


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