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(영문리포트)Another Murder: The Death Penalty

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미국 컬리쥐에서 잉글리쉬 수업을 들었을때 사형제도에 대해서 조사했던 내용입니다.
학점은 B정도 받은거 같습니다.




The death penalty has been an endless and answerless issue for a long time, but changes in policy are not always visible or enacted fairly. Have you ever seen the movie called Dead Man Walking? This movie is about the death penalty. A criminal who had raped a woman and killed two lovers in the forest, was finally sentenced to death as a punishment. He regretted himself for facing his death, but it was too late to turn back. As if the death penalty is done in this movie, we are now killing many people for their crime of murder in the name of the justice in the actual. Another example, on Friday 02 December 2005, an Australian, Nguyen Tuong Van, was executed in Singapore after being convicted of drug trafficking, despite please by the Australian government and human rights groups to save him from the death penalty. He had 356g of heroin. According to the law of Singapore, someone who has over 15g of drug will be sentenced to death. But, in our common sense, the punishment was too heavy for his crime. He was not a murderer and brutal criminal.

참고 자료

Barzun, J. (2005). The Death Penalty: The Death Penalty Is Not as Cruel and Unusual as Life Imprisonment. Elster, J.A. (Ed.). Greenhaven Press & Thomson Gale: p30-37.
Beccaria, C. (2005). The Death Penalty: The Death Penalty Is Not the Best Deterrent to Crime. Elster, J.A. (Ed.). Greenhaven Press & Thomson Gale: p82-87
Cooper, M.H. (2000). The Death Penalty and Fairness: An Overview. [Electronic version]. Williams, M.E. (Ed.). Current Controversies Series. San Diego: Greenhaven Press.
Espejo, R. (Ed.). (2003). Introduction to Does Capital Punishment Deter Crime?: At Issue. [Electronic version]. At Issue Series. San Diego: Greenhaven Press.
Freedman, E.M. (2000). The Death Penalty Does Not Deter Crime. [Electronic version]. Roleff, T.L. (Ed.). Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press.
Hawkins, S.W. (2002, September). It is Immoral and Ineffective.(death penalty). Retrieved August 8, 2006. from http://find.galegroup.com World and I 17.9: p247.
Innocence and the death penalty. (2005, February 7). Retrieved August 8, 2006. from http://find.galegroup.com America 192.4: p3.
Jones, A. (2005). Capital Punishment Is Necessary. [Electronic version]. Williams, M.E. (Ed.). Current Controversies Series. San Diego: Greenhaven Press.
Kane, G. (2005). The Death penalty Is Preferable to Life Imprisonment. [Electronic version]. Williams M.E. (Ed.). Current Controversies Series. San Diego: Greenhaven Press.
Kavanaugh, J. (2000). Capital Punishment Is Unjust. [Electronic version]. Torr, J.D. & Egendorf, L.K. (Eds.). Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press.
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(영문리포트)Another Murder: The Death Penalty
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