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[영어프레젠테이션] 줄기세포 연구에 정부가 보조금을 지급해야 하는 이유

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최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


영어 회화시간에 발표할때 참고하실 수 있습니다. 호주 맥쿼리 대학교에서 실제로 발표할때 사용했던 대본이고, Distinction 받았던 프레젠테이션 대본입니다.




Good afternoon, everyone. As you know, this is (Name) you had disability due to an accident, would you give up treating your disability because of the reason there is no treatment to allow you to recover your previous condition, or encourage your surgeons to find the treatment? I strongly believe that you will choose the latter. What kinds of treatment do you think can treat your disability? There is an answer for this question: Stem cell therapy. What is a stem cell? How can stem cell treat disabled people? Why should a stem cell research be subsidized by government?
Today, I am going to talk about subsidization of stem cell research. First, I will give you a bit of background information about stem cell research and terminology, and then I will present the arguments against subsidization of stem cell research. After that, I will explain the reasons why stem cell research should be subsidized by government.
h and terminology. What is a stem cell? According to the National Institutes of Health web site, "stem cells are the cells that have the ability to divide for indefinite periods in culture and to give rise to specialized cells". Stem cells, especially embryonic stem cells, can produce more than 200 different types of specialized cells such as muscle, skin and nerve cells that make up the human body.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영어프레젠테이션] 줄기세포 연구에 정부가 보조금을 지급해야 하는 이유
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