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[언어학] 어용론(pragmatics) 및 문화적 관습 (cultural convention) 에 관한 Literature Review

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최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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호주대학 (Macquarie University)에 제출한 논문용 Literature Review 입니다. 영어 논문 및 언어학 참고자료로 사용하시면 됩니다.




Literature Review: Production of accurate translation in accordance with cultural convention and pragmatics
In translation tasks, considering cultural convention and pragmatics is a must for all translators to produce accurate translations in order to deliver original messages from source text to text. Translation can be defined as the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text. In other words, despite heterogeneity between source and target language structures, with the aim of producing accurate and exact translations, translators must strive to deliver the original meanings of source text to their translations as much as possible, adhering to fundamental grammatical and idiomatic rules of target text. This paper will demonstrate how convention and pragmatics can be used for a method of assessment of translation competence.

참고 자료

Croitoru, E. (2006). Translation and meaning: A cultural-cognitive approach. Romanian Journal of English Studies, 1(3), 2-82.

Faber, P. (2009). The pragmatics of specialized communication. Entreculturas, 1(1).
Retrieved from

Ghaemi, F., & Ziafar, M. (2011). Contrastive lexical pragmatics as an effective strategy
in teaching pragmatics: A review article. Educational Research and Reviews, 6(9), 598-604.

Horiguchi, K. (1997). Towards translating spoken language pragmatics in an analogical Framework. Tokyo, Japan: Department of Language Engineering.

Ran, S. (2009). Philosophical interpretation on E. A. Nida’s definition of translation. Asian Social Science, 5(10), 44-47.

Tannen, D. (1984). The pragmatics of cross-cultural communication. Applied Linguistics, 5(3), 189-186

Tyulenev, S. (2009). The meaning constituting function of translation, 3(1).
Retrieved from

Verschueren, J. (2000). Notes on the role of metapragmatic awareness in language use. International Pragmatics Association, 10(4), 439-456.

Wilson, D. (2003). Relevance and lexical pragmatics. Rivista di Linguistica, 15(2), 273-291.

Wilson, D., & Carston, R. (2007). A unitary approach to lexical pragmatics: Relevance, inference and ad hoc concepts. In B. Roberts (Eds.), Palgrave Advances in Linguistics: Pragmatics (pp. 230-259). Houndshill, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan
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탑툰 이벤트
[언어학] 어용론(pragmatics) 및 문화적 관습 (cultural convention) 에 관한 Literature Review
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