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SCM case : NBAS(New Balance Athletic Shoes Inc)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 4,900원 할인쿠폰받기


Case Background; NBAS

Case Discussion; Q&A

Thinking More



Case Background; NBAS
New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc. Best known as simply New Balance, is a footwear manufacturer based in Boston. Founded in 1906.
One of the largest makers of sports footwear in the world.
New Balance is 5th biggest sporting shoemaker in the world. This company is known for choosing variety of performance running shoes, which means that they have economy of scope. However, this diverse demand gave pressure to the company because their products were too diversified. Of 25,000 shoes processed 17% required hand-making or price ticketing.

<중 략>

Thinking More & Implications
CRM and SCM are closely related. Successful SCM cannot be completed by analyzing end users, but on the other hand, without effective supply management, penetrating market can be meaningless.
If NBAS had only ideas of diverse products without successful Supply chain management, results would have been different.
However, our team(BOSAM) recommend that, CRM should come prior to SCM. In the NBAAS Case, if this company did not segment the market to implement mass customization, then no SCM could ever have taken place.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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SCM case : NBAS(New Balance Athletic Shoes Inc)
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