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아트 스피글멘 - 마우스 해석

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Maus is a comic strip formed book series. It has been written by Art Spiegelman, published between years 1972 – 1991. Also, Maus is known as famous postmodern metafiction. When most people see a story written in comic strip form, they often assume it is intended for a juvenile audience. They may be reminded of the funnies from the Sunday paper, or of the Marvel comics they enjoyed as a young child (Cañar 2). However, the book deals with serious issue, the book mainly tells stories about the holocaust during the Second World War. As a subtitle A Survivor’s Tale tells, this is the story from the survivor of the holocaust, which is the author’s father, Vladek Spiegelman. In the comic book, or I could say at that time the author was writing about his father’s story, all he hears is the story from the individual person. Thus, postmodern inclination must exist in Maus.
There are some facts that support the Maus is a postmodern art. First, in the comic book, the author visits his father and asks him the story from the holocaust, in this process postmodern exists following this reason:

참고 자료

Cañar, Alison. “Back to the Basics: Maus as a Postmodern Masterpiece.” The National Gallery of Writing. 2008. Utah Writers. 13 June 2011.
Figure 1. “Auschwitz orchestra in a Sunday concert.” 1941. Online image. Auschwitz-Birkenau: History of a man-made Hell. 12 June 2011.
Hutcheon, Linda. “Literature meets history: Counter-discoursive “Comix” University of Toronto Research Repository. Jan 1999. T-Space. 13 June 2011.
McDaniel, Byrd. “Psychological Effects of Art on Humans.” eHow. 31 March 2011. 11 June 2011.
Spiegelman, Art. Maus: A survivor’s tale. 2 vols. New York, NY: Pantheon Books, 1991.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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