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금융위기의 발생과정을 역사적인 맥락에서 짚어보고, 금융위기가 예방가능한지에 대한 논지를 저명한 학자들의 주장들을 인용하며 설명한 보고서




For last three decades, many countries have experienced unprecedented number of financial crises with contagious feature from one country to another. Especially after the US suspended gold convertibility of US dollar in 1971, the world was faced with Latin America debt crisis, Asian financial crisis and Global financial crisis which still affects to human society. (Calhoun 2011) While “Systematic Cycle of Accumulation” have led recurrent financial crises over the long human history, global system itself also has evolved over time and has shown different patterns of governance from one hegemonic power to another. (Silver and Arrighi, 2011)The fundamental contradictions of capital accumulation process could lead high indebtedness of economy and make society more fragile to have crisis (Harvey, 2011), however, crisis is made by human actions and can be prevented by only human eventually. (Calhoun 2011)

참고 자료

Calhoun, C. (2011) ‘Series Introduction: From the Current Crisis to Possible Futures’ in Calhoun,
C.(et al.), Business as usual the roots of the global financial meltdown pp.9-42, New York, New York University Press
David, H.(2011) ‘Series Introduction: From the Current Crisis to Possible Futures’ in Calhoun,
C.(et al.), Business as usual the roots of the global financial meltdown pp.9-42, New York, New York University Press
Ravenhill, J. (2011) ‘The Study of Global Political Economy’ in Ravenhill, J.(et al.), Global Political Economy , third edition pp.3-28, New York, Oxford University Press
Helleiner, E. (2011) ‘The Evolution of the International Monetary and Financial System’ in Ravenhill, J.(et al.), Global Political Economy , third edition pp.215-243, New York, Oxford University Press
Thun, E. (2011) ‘The Globalization of Production’ in Ravenhill, J.(et al.), Global Political Economy , third edition pp.345-371, New York, Oxford University Press
Shadlen, K, (2006) "Debt, Finance and the IMF: Three Decades of Debt Crisis in Latin America" from
Taylor and Francis Toye, South America, Central America and the Caribbean 2006 pp.8-12, London:Routledge
Tridico, P. (2011) ‘Financial Crisis and Global imbalances: its labour market origins and the aftermath’ in ,Cambridge Journal of Economics 2012, 36, pp.17-42,
Silver, B. and Arrighi, G. (2011) ‘The End of the Long Twentieth Century’ in Calhoun, C.(et al.) Business as usual the roots of the global financial meltdown pp.53-68, New York, New York University Press
Polanyi Levitt, Kari (2006) ‘Keynes and Polanyi: the 1920s and the 1990s’ ,Review of International Political Economy 13:1 pp. 152-177
Boughton, J. M. (2006) ‘American in the Shadows: Harry Dexter White and the Design of the International Monetary Fund’, Working Paper no. 06/6, International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC
Minsky, H. (1992) ‘The Financial Instability Hypothesis’ in Arestis P.(et al.), Handbook of Radical Political Economy Working Paper No. 74, The Jerome Levy Economics Institute of Bard College
Kindleberger, C. P. (1984) ‘A Financial History of Western Europe’, London, George Allen & Unwin
I. de Vegh (1943) ‘THE INTERNATIONAL CLEARING UNION’ The American Economic Review, Vol. 33, No. 3 (Sep., 1943), pp. 534-556
Economic Intelligence Unit (March 2011) ‘State of the union – Can the euro zone survive its debt crisis?’
The National Economic Council (April, 2012), The Buffet Rule: A Basic Principle of Tax Fairness
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