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3.Aptamer GPAT iRNA

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
21페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기




APTAMERSThese are nucleic acid molecules that bind specific ligands (including non-DNA binding proteins).
One good example is an aptamer which binds to thrombin which may inhibit blood clotting after surgical procedures.
A potential anti-thrombin aptamer was isolated by generating a pool of oligonucleotides with each oligo having flanking sequences to act as primer targets.

A potential anti-thrombin aptamer was isolated by generating a pool of oligonucleotides with each oligo having flanking sequences to act as PCR primer targets positioned between these flanking regions is a central section of ~ 60 bases of random sequence i.e.with any of the 4 bases at each site.

<중 략>

One new method used to stabilize siRNA for delivery involves the use of ? cholesterol.
Using this approach researchers have been able to shut down a specific gene in animals with a simple injection.
The researchers chose to silence a gene called apoB that controls the level of cholesterol in blood (no connection to the delivery system).
When mice were injected with cholesterol-linked siRNAs designed to target apoB, the blood levels of the apoB protein dropped by nearly 70 per cent - and cholesterol levels also plunged.
Non-cholesterol-linked siRNAs or siRNAs that were not perfect matches to the apoB sequence had no effect.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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3.Aptamer GPAT iRNA
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