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임용고시 서답형 대비 Teacher`s Grammar Chapter 20,21,22,25 정리 및 문제

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22페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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새롭게 바뀐 임용고시 대비 Teacher`s grammar 요약 정리 및 간단한 문제 입니다.
스터디 하면서 작성한 것이고 책과 함께 보시면 공부하시기 편하도록 작성하였습니다.
TG에서 부족한 내용은 다른책을 참고하여 보충하려고 노력하였고 중요한 내용은 모두 담기위해 노력했습니다.
Chapter 20,21,22,25에 해당하는 내용이고, 다른 챕터가 필요하시면 저의 다른 자료를 확인해주시면 감사하겠습니다.


1. Chapter 20. Subject Clauses and Related Structures
2. Chapter 21. Complements
3. Chapter 22. Focus Structures
4. Chapter 25. Coordination


Type 1 Complements: Persuade Verbs
Verbs such as advise, authorize, cause, compel, convince, order, persuade, and tell are transitive, and must have an NP object.
(11) Alice persuaded John to come to the party.
Through passivazation, (12) John was persuaded (by Alice) [to come to the party].

John is the object of persuade, the infinitive complement in (11) has no overt subject. However, John is understood as being its subject.
(13) Alice persuaded John [(John) to come to the party].
PROi object control
Persuade verbs have the following patter: NP1 V NP2 [to V]. (NP2 as the complement subject)
influence, or manipulative, verbs: their object is usually influenced by the main clause subject to carry out the action expressed in the complement.

Sometimes, inanimate subjects influence the object.
(14) a. Ignorance of thermodynamics compelled Susan to enroll in a physics class.
(15) His pituitary condition caused him to be nine feet tall.

Type 2 Complements: Want Verbs
Another group of verbs that include hope, like, promise, and want can or must occur without a following NP. [+arrange, desire, expect, love, need, plan, prefer, refuse, vow, want, wish, and yearn].
(16) Joan wanted to write a letter to the mayor.

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