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[자료구조]스택, 큐, infix, postfix C언어 소스코드입니다.

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자료구조에서 나오는 스택, 큐, infix, postfix 에 대한 C언어 소스코드입니다.
A+ 맞은 자료입니다.


1. Write the postfix form of the following expressions:
2. Implement a stack (MAX_SIZE=10) for integer values. Push 1 to 10, and pop and print the numbers until the stack is empty.
3. Implement a queue (MAX_SIZE=10) for integer values. Enqueue 1 to 9, and dequeue and print the numbers until the queue is empty.
4. Implement a convertor of aninfix expression to a postfix expression. There are only single digit numbers and five operators: +, - ,*, /and ~ (minus sign operator). There can be any number of parentheses. The input expression is a string. Assume that input string have no errors. Example: "(1+2)*~3" -> "12+3~*"
5. Implement an evaluator of infix expressions. There are only single digit numbers and five operators: +, -, *, / and ~ (minus sign operator). There can be any number of parentheses. First you convert the input string into a postfix expression and then evaluate the postfix expression. Assume that input strings have no errors. Example: "(1+2)*~3" -> -9


1. Write the postfix form of the following expressions:
(1) a * b *c postifx : abc**
(2) –a + b – c + d postfix : a–bcd+–+
(3) a * -b + c postfix : ab–*c+
(4) (a + b) * d + e / (f + a *d) +c postfix : ab+d*efad*+/c++

2. Implement a stack (MAX_SIZE=10) for integer values. Push 1 to 10, and pop and print the numbers until the stack is empty.


#define MAX_SIZE 10

typedef enum { false, true } bool;

typedef struct{

int top;
int item[MAX_SIZE];

} stack;

void Initstack(stack *);
bool Isempty(stack *);
bool Isfull(stack *);
void Push(stack *, int);
void Pop(stack *);
int Peak(stack *);

<중 략>

while(token[i]!=`\0`) //implement until NULL(end of string)
if((token[i]>=`0`)&&(token[i]<=`9`)) //token is number
Push(&operand,token[i]-`0`); //push operand stack

else if(token[i]==`(`) // if token is `(`, it always push regardless of priority

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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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[자료구조]스택, 큐, infix, postfix C언어 소스코드입니다.
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