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Human Resource Management in SPA BRAND

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
23페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction
3. Body
4. Conclusion
5. References


SPA brand is Specialty retailer of Private label Apparel. "SPA" is a clothing retail strategy that is commonly known for its efficient and reasonable price labeling, quick trends adoptability, and well known world-wide branches. Manufacturer is main body of decision making because he/she manages everything from manufacturing to circulating. Trough vertical integration of planning, production, circulation, one producer manages all the process to reduce inefficiency. Also through mass production, they can pursuit efficiency, reduce cost of production, and cut the circulation step. GAP started SPA system. and H&M, ZARA, UNIQLO are famous SPA brands. Also MIXXO and Forever21 is getting popular. SPAO is one of SPA brand in Korea but it doesn't really get succeed yet.
Not even marketing process, SPA brands is also famous by human resources management. GAP started SPA brands system and it has most time-honored working process. For their employees GAP made their company culture and respecting diversity each other. Also they have their special human resources management system like employee opinion survey, fisher awards and so on. UNIQLO is the most popular SPA brands in the world and when it became the number one brand

<중 략>

As in H&M’s case we can see there are certain policies that encourage employees of SPA brands. Next to me, Baby break are the two convenient systems for employees. Most of human resource management is up to store manager, because stores are the core part of SPA brand. There is clear grade system divided by five. From top, store manager – junior – senior partner – advanced partner – partner. Anyone can go upper grade if pass an exam. Store manager and senior partners have obligation to support subordinates. They are trying to treat every employee equally, the executives and staffs of the head office of H&M have to visit and sell the products in branches twice a year. It means that they want employees have various experiences. Also showing a possibility that anyone can go upper level of job.
Also, most of SPA brand are searching the ways to hold their employees for a long time. For example bonus system does. As long as you work, you get paid more. This is the basic idea. Increased bonus by 5 years, employees are motivated to not quit the job, so they can get paid more. During this system, employees also have responsibility and sense of belonging.

참고 자료

이주란(콘텐츠 비즈니스연구회), 「UNIQLO 신화와 SPA 브랜드 스토리」,『미래를 소유한 사람들』(엠에스미디어, 2010)
이영숙, 「일본 SPA브랜드 유니클로(UNIQLO)의 비즈니스모델연구」, 동명대학교, 2011.
예지은, 「직원을 키우는 열린 인사가 H&M을 키웠다.」http://www.dongabiz.com/Business/Strategy/article_content.php?atno=1203063501&chap_no=1

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