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Women's Economic Status and Role of Korea

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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한국경제와 법 중 한국 여성의 경제적 지위와 역할에 관련된 내용을 다룬 영문 레포트입니다.
시대별 여성 정책에 기반합니다.


1. Introduction

2. Women Policies
2-1. Women Policy before 1980s in Korea
2-2. Women Policy after 1980s in Korea

3. Women’s Economic Status in Korea
3-1. Population and activity rate of women’s economic activity analysis
3-2. Limit of women’s economic activity and status in Korea

4. Conclusion

5. References


Women's policy which was previously estranged from governmental policy has now emerged as a major policy arena at governmental level. Because the change of women's policy causes some structural changes on former social system, renunciation of the vested interest, and change of extensive recognition inevitably, there are conflicts among the policy actors over the policy process.
A policy is a set of ideas or plans that is used as a basis for making decisions, especially in politics, economics, or business which aims for a desirable society. Based on this concept

<중 략>

On the basis of the long-term and continuous perspective, the types of maternity protection policy change can be classified as ‘unstable equilibrium after punctuated policy change’ in Noh Tae-Woo government, ‘equilibrated policy change’ in Kim Young-Sam government, ‘stable equilibrium after punctuated policy change’ in Kim Dae-Jung government, continuous ‘equilibrated policy changes’ in Roh Mu-Hyun government.
The activity rate of women’s economic activity has been increased gradually under the change of women policy, however it is now stagnant. It is because of the undervalued consideration towards female laborers.

참고 자료

Knoke. 1990. Political Networks: The structural Perspective. Cambridge University Press.
Rose, R. 1976. The Dynamics of Public Policy. Beverly Hills and London: Sage Publications.
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김경주. 2006. 모성보호와 여성정책네트워크. 서울: 한국학술정보.
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김영화 외. 2002. 현대사회와 여성복지. 서울: 양서원.
여성사연구회. 1990. “80년대 여성정책: 제6공화국 여성정책을 중심으로”. 1980년대 한국사회와 지배구조. 서울: 풀빛.
이혜경. 1990. 한국의 사회변동과 여성정책. 서울: 한국여성정치문화연구소.
김엘림. 1999. 남녀고용평등법 시행 10년간의 성과와 과제. 서울: 한국여성개발원.
황수경. 2003. 여성의 직업선택과 고용구조. 서울: 한국노동연구원.
한국여성개발원. 1990. 여성과 발전. 서울: 노동부.
노동부. 2003-2008. 노동백서. 서울: 노동부.
e-나라지표. http://www.index.go.kr/ . 통계청
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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