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Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) Commercialization Difficulties

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
18페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction - Theoretical background of MFC
1.1. Definition and basic principle of MFC
1.2. Exoelectrogens (Figure 4.4. - 4.5.)
1.3. Substrates (Figure 4.1. - 4.2.)
1.3.1. Acetate
1.3.2. Glucose
1.3.3. Lignocellulosic biomass
1.3.4. Other Substrates
1.4. The elements of MFC (Hardware)
1.4.1. Anode
1.4.2. Membrane
1.4.3 Cathode
1.5. Principle of MFC not using mediator (New technology)

2. Difficulties and solutions in MFC commercialization
2.1. MFC Commercialization Difficulties
2.2. Problem Based Learning (PBL)
2.2.1. The Difficulty of Large-scale Power Production
2.2.2. Low Energy Efficiency and output
2.2.3. High Price

3. Conclusion of PBL

4. Appendix

5. References
5.1. Text Source
5.2. Web Page
5.3. Specific Image Source


1.1. Definition and basic principle of MFC
When microbial oxidizes organic compounds, released electrons produce energy in the form of ATP, passing a series of electron pathway and electrons which pass the pathway reduce TEA(terminal electron acceptor). In this manner, metabolism of microbial completes. Generally, that TEA accepts the electrons occurs in inside of cell but some microbials can transport electrons to metal oxide as a TEA under the presence of a transporting substance called Mediator. In the MFC, mediator has a role in transporting electrons to the anode. And the microbials which can transport electrons to the outside by the mediator are called exoelectrogen. Since they are anaerobic bacteria in most cases, anode at which microbial is located is called anaerobic digester.
Exoelectrogen, anaerobic digester and mechanism producing electrons by oxidizing organic compounds, we call them MFC all of a lump.

Figure 1.1. Principle of MFC

As we can see in above figure, there is a membrane which only allows the hydrogen to penetrate it.

참고 자료

MFC, Logan, Bruce E, 2010 동화기술
JournalReview_20100726092154_25pdf,inline,pdf - dicer journalreview
MFC의 연구동향 - 장인섭, The korean society for microbiology and biotechnology
폐수처리를 위한 MFC의 전기생산 특성, 김선일 외 4명, J. Korean Ind. Eng. Chem., Vol. 20, No. 2, April 2009, 213-217
생물환경공정 관리를 위한 분자생태학적 기법의 동향, 이태호 (안동대학교 환경공학과 조교수) PCR-DGGE법
Electricity Generation and Microbial Community variation in Microbial Fuel Cell
with various Electrode Combinations, Jaehyeong, Kwon∙Soojung, Choi∙Jaehwan, Cha∙Hyosoo, Kim∙Yejin, Kim∙Jaecheul, Yu∙Chanwon, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Pusan National University
MFC, Bruce E. Logan 저 ; 김중래 [외]역
Effect of catholyte pH and type of cation exchange membrane on the performance of microbial fuel cell, 최미진, 채규정, 김경열, 이재영, 김인수, 광주과학기술원 환경공학과
미생물 연료전지 연구동향, 허호길, 이지훈, 광주과학기술원 환경공학과
http://isdsclass.bus.lsu.edu, about MFC’s
미생물 전지, 광주과학기술원 환경공학과, 허호길, 이지훈
판매자 유형Gold개인인증


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