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일반물리학 실험 Heat Engine Cycle

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Results
2. Discussion
3. Error Analysis
4. Conclusion
5. Reference


The graph of pressure vs. height shown in Figure 1 or 2 depicts the parallelogram-like shape which is characteristic to the heat engine cycle in this experiment: involving isobaric and isothermal processes. Despite such theoretical assumptions, there were some aberrations in some details of the graph. For instance, there were little bumps in the curve at the isobaric process. Also, the curve at isothermal process, the curve looks like a straight line. Ideally it should have been a graph of inverse function due to P_1 V_1=P_2 V_2

The major purpose of this experiment was to calculate the efficiency of the heat engine. Work done by the engine is simply scalar area under the curve of pressure vs. volume, which is calculated to be 0.04148J.

<중 략>

As the percentage difference was non-ignorable, the experiment involved some error. One of the most vivid errors is that the volume of air in tube connecting the can and the cylinder is ignored in evaluating the volume of the system (engine). This can be regarded as a percentage error because it was missed out during the whole calculation

참고 자료

Department of Physics, General Physics LaboratoryⅠ Spring Semester 2013 , p.74~78
Richard Wolfson, Essential University Physics vol.1, Pearson International Edition, 2007
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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