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[영어레포트] 영화 미스트를 통해 본 미국의 기독교주의 (American Christianism through the Film The Mist (2007))

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기




We often become arrogant. We are puffed up with the success of the one and cling to like a certain truth in the knowledge of one. We believe that we are the only decision-makers and the only good. When the idea that we are the only good owns our body and soul, madness is born. At the end of madness is activated, actions that we can do for others is a branding and witch trials. Such irrational behavior always needs the victim or the offerings. Another name for madness is the extinction of another life for my survival. Choosing the victim takes luck. We all think 'Not me, it would be okay' secretly.

<중 략>

Let's return to the film. One day, a storm devastated Longlake town. David who goes with his son the mart to purchase necessary articles in preparation for sudden disaster is isolated with people by mist. But, there is mysterious thing in the extraordinary mist and people are struck with horror and anxiety.
Mist is a so important metaphor. The film uses the metaphor to see judgement, faith and experience in the limiting situation. Also, we need to point out that main background of this film is the hypermarket Of course, hypermarket may be the background that many films already have shown.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[영어레포트] 영화 미스트를 통해 본 미국의 기독교주의 (American Christianism through the Film The Mist (2007))
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