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문학과 영화분석-고대서사시 베어울프에 나오는 여성성에 관하여

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Fatal Female, Breeder of Sinners?
The oldest and longest poem, or epic, written in English is Beowulf. Although the work is almost ancient, it is still recognized as one of the most influencing literary works in English literature history. Dragons, Greek monsters, troll Grendel, Christianity, Germanic value of honor, glory, revenge and magical heirlooms are all combined and intermixed in this hero’s story, acting as an inspiration to many poems, novels and films. Actually there are currently 3 film adaptations of original Beowulf and in this essay I will discuss about how Robert Zemeckis depicted Grendel’s mother as an ultimate evil in 21th century era especially through relationship between male characters including Beowulf.
Before going into deeper speculation, we must know that Shakespeare’s famous quote “Frailty, thy name is woman” is no word for Grendel’s mother. Weakness is not appropriate for her in both original and film Beowulf.

참고 자료

“Beyond Abjection: The Problem with Grendel’s Mother Again”(2007),Parergon, Volume 24, Number 1, pp. 1-20 (Article), Australian and New Zealand Association of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (Inc.)
“no hie faeder cunnon”: But Twenty-First Century Makers Do, William F.Hodapp(2010), Essays in Medieval Studies, Volume 26, pp. 101-108 (Article), West Virginia University Press
“The Cinematic Sexualizing Beowulf”, E.L.Risden(2010), Essays in Medieval Studies, Volume 26, pp. 109-15 (Article), West Virginia University Press

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